Woman stretching her arms in front of a window in the morning.

5 Tips for Waking Up Early—And Sticking With It

Morning people always seem so put-together. They’ve done their morning yoga, had their breakfast, and checked their emails all before the sun is up. Meanwhile, the rest of us are pressing snooze for the third time and pulling the covers over our head. If you’ve been wanting to change up your morning routine but are struggling to force yourself out of bed, try these 5 tips for waking up early.

1. Start small. 

Our bodies have a natural circadian rhythm that adjusts to our sleep schedules. Trying to fight this is a recipe for failure. So instead of going cold-turkey from a 7 AM to 5 AM alarm, gradually move your alarm back over time. Push it 5 minutes back, then after a week, another 5. This will give your body time to adjust naturally to the change, and you’ll be more likely to stick with your new wake-up time as you go.

2. Treat yourself.

It might seem obvious, but positive reinforcement is a great tool for self-encouragement. When you wake up early, reward yourself with something small–maybe a special kind of coffee, or a piece of chocolate with breakfast. You’ll come to associate an earlier wake-up with something nice.

3. Keep the alarm clock out of reach.

If the temptation to press snooze on your alarm is too great, move your clock or phone to the opposite side of your bedroom, away from your bed. The simple act of having to sit up, get out of bed, and walk to turn the alarm off will encourage you to wake up since you’re already up and moving. If this doesn’t work, consider trying an alarm app that  makes you solve a puzzle or take a picture of a different room before the alarm shuts off.

4. Stretch it out.

You might find yourself waking up with a sore back or neck. Not only does stretching first thing in the morning alleviate that pain, but it also gets your blood flowing. Even just a few simple stretches will do the trick. My personal favorites are the cat-cow stretch, child pose, and downward dog. 

5. Prep yourself the night before. 

This is easier said than done, but staying away from screens for at least an hour before bed will help you fall asleep faster. Creating a nighttime ritual for yourself—like washing your face, brushing your teeth, and reading a book before bed—is a good way to break away from your TV, phone, or computer. You can also try taking melatonin supplements before bed, with consent from your doctor. 

So there you have it. Follow these tips and your future will be bright—and early.

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